
“Learn the Strategy and Energetix of running a hugely successful Multi-Six to Seven-Figure coaching business, that will dramatically increase your impact and income.”

Empire Business Academy…

  Increase your income.

 Work when and where you want.

 Get your clients radical results.

 …and live a life of massive personal freedom.

Too many coaches hit a time ceiling, energy ceiling and income ceiling, and never make the kind of money (or impact) they so desire.

You’re not broken, your business model is.

It’s time to stop trading one-on-one time for money, and learn the secrets to running a hugely successful business built for financial scalability and growth.

Level Up! Empire Business Academy

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Empire of a Conscious Creatrix: High-Level support scaling you to Seven-Figures and Beyond. Million Dollar Year Roadmap™

This is for you if…

  • You’re ready to strip it all back, simplify and become the scale master of your dreams. Team, time and 10x results.
  • You’re looking for a one-stop-shop for super advanced support, 1:1, mastermind, and the tools and training that will create rapid transformation and growth personally and professionally.
  • You’re an action taker, who knows the mission you are on and simply wants to be around other EPIC humans holding you to your greatest potential.

Soul Aligned Empire: Lock in $20k-$50k in Monthly Reoccurring Revenue and grow a Multi-Six Figure Business.

This is for you if…

  • Your money situation is literally exactly the same as last year (meaning you cannot break through your invisible financial ceiling).
  • You’re lacking in daily discipline and the consistency to get you out of ‘feast & famine’ and get you consistent results.
  • You don’t have the ‘rinse & repeat’ systems, structures, strategies or support in place to really take your organisation and leadership to a whole-new-level.

Proximity VIP 1:1

Exclusively By Application Only
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Dana’s $46,000 Fortnight!

After only a month working with us.

“This Academy was built from my 20 year OBSESSION with business, personal growth, behavioural science, MILLION-DOLLAR mindset, personal branding, and all things MAGIC to unlock your biggest invisible barriers to success, so you can create a life by design, not by default!”

Thank you, you have no idea how much I needed to hear this Skye! I am so grateful for your support, guidance, love punches and everything you do for us. I’m also thankful for this amazing collective – I am inspired by each and everyone in this group, you make me want to grow, inspire and be my best. So Blessed, what a crew!

Varn Louise


Skye Hanley where do we event start with our gratitude for you?!

Your belief in us all is unwavering, and your guidance is consistent and always makes more sense than I could ever gather myself!

Thank you xx

Jacqui Somerville


I… am literally lost for words right at this moment.

You are ALLL truly epic fucking humans.

Thank you Skye Hanley for being the authentic neon rainbow sparkling fucking unicorn that you are #sogratefulforallofyou

Trinity Roberts Brial


How we work with clients…


We are an education and business support company, that provides a variety of done-for-you or done-with-you tools, resources, skills-based masterclasses, and coaching or mentoring programs with our world class team of experts on a variety of topics relevant to multi-six and seven-figure business growth.


We combine the most up-to-date behavioural sciences with our own ‘quantum timeline therapy’ techniques for clearings and activations. Break down stuck fears and patterns that have been holding you back and breakthrough to new levels of consciousness, excellence, and mastery.


Skye uses her metaphysical gifts to support clients with Intuitive Field Readings or Downloads to bring forward awarenesses and opportunities from within your energetic field. Further unlock your own gifts and have the freedom of choice to move forward in a more powerful/impactful way.