
So, who is

Skye Hanley?

And why should you listen to her…

“Missioned Souls, Building Missioned Empires.”

Skye Hanley is an International Author, Speaker, and Vision Curator who has the honour and privilege of helping those who help others, coaching businesses (just like you) to increase their IMPACT, income, and independence. She believes the more wealth in the hands of women, the more good will happen in the world. Skye wants YOU to be filthy rich and will stop at nothing to help you stay inspired and succeed, so you too can contribute to the worthy causes you care deeply about and therefore together can change lives, including your own.

Skye is a self-proclaimed badass spiritual entrepreneur bringing the best of both worlds to business and her clients’ lives…

Strategy that is Soul Aligned.

She prides herself on her abilities to surgically merge the worlds of strategic and intentional business actions with a behavioural science and universal flare.

In a former life, Skye was headhunted by many multi-million-dollar organisations to bring their runaway freight train businesses back on track. She would coach and train their executive and managerial teams in organisational leadership skills and drive-up sales.

Over the years, Skye realised how stifled she felt. Boxed-in by the old (masculine) ways of doing things, she longed to deeply touch people’s lives while being her fully expressed self but found she continuously had to tone herself down to make others feel comfortable.

Skye knew her superpower was in guiding coaching businesses to easily and effortlessly make more money in less time through high-ticket offers and seven-figure business modelling; geared for scalability and growth. So, being the rule-breaker she is, Skye gave herself permission to stop playing by other people’s rules or fit into other people’s boxes of what a ‘business mentor’ should look like and from that, Skye’s unique methodology for business growth was created.

These days, she is the Founder and Chief Vision Officer of Empire Business Academy, a global education brand and philanthropic business that has collectively helped clients earn over $20 Million dollars in revenue in the last 5 years.

Skye is on a mission to inspire millions and bring about a mass human awakening with powerful, life changing programs and mentorship. She tirelessly works every single day to unlock greater human potential through her unique education methods, providing business support at all levels, and her dedication to lifting families out of poverty through access to basic human rights.

“Hello, Hello Gorgeous Being,

You’ve landed on this page for a reason. Our souls were meant to meet. It’s time!

My soul’s mission is to unlock greater human potential and raise the frequency of humanity on a global scale. I support amazing humans just like you so we can collectively create a RIPPLE EFFECT of good across the world. I want you to be living as the fully expressed, courageous, compassion-filled, and expansive leader you were put here on this planet to be.

I do this by equipping you with powerful and very practical tools on how to QUANTUM SHIFT your Business and Life.

Strategy & Soul.

Action & Alignment.

Impact & Income.

I blend the worlds of strategic and intentional action, behavioural science, and universe/spirituality so you get the best of all sides… the business systems, the science of the mind, with the quantum physics and SOUL’S PURPOSE behind the creation of your dream life. This will have you scale and grow!

I’ve worked with thousands of people around the globe just like you, Coaches, serving those who serve others. And now I’m ready to EXPAND your world too by changing it from the inside out! One cell’s vibration at a time. Sharing with you the most transformative tools, strategies and mindset shifts that RADICALLY CHANGED MY REALITY.

If you feel called, let’s chat!”

“Manifestation = Vision + Big MF Action.”

Click to connect with me…

Qualifications and Studies…

Skye is a multi-modality health professional who spends her life and time learning and growing, as teaching and studying give her LIFEFORCE…

Business Management

Business Operations

College Trainer and Assessor (TAA)

Behavioural Science



Master Prac Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP)


Health Science in Nutritional Medicine (Clinical and Wholistic Nutritionist)

Clinical Aromatherapy

Yoga Teacher & Quantum Healing Meditation Coach

Metaphysical Arts & Mediumship

Trance Channel & Light Language

Exercise Specialties (High Risk Clientele & Athletes)

Strength & Conditioning Coach